Think smart. Play Better.


We believe in guiding our players through purposeful, deliberate, and detailed training. Experience moments that will play a very important role in your professional career. Before you go, remember to think about details and quality when you consider The Difference Academy.

Rules & Responsibilities


These are not allowed in our Academy:
  • Being 10+ min. late without notice
  • Inappropriate training attire
  • Physical abuse (fighting)
  • Verbal abuse (bullying or insults)
  • Alcohol/drug use on our premises

Coaches' Responsibilities

These are our coaches' responsibilities:
  • Arrive 25 min. before training starts
  • Ensure players’ safety
  • Communicate expectations
  • Provide detailed feedback
  • Challenge players to grow

Players' Responsibilities

These are our trainees' responsibilities:
  • Arrive 10 min. before training starts
  • Bring enough water/sports drinks
  • Stay hydrated at all times
  • Inform coaches of any injuries
  • Notify coaches before cancelation

Our Awesome team

Customers Reviews

Our daughter enjoys training with The DA so much! She learns a lot within a short amount of time. We are thankful you provide the perfect balance of push, encouragement, high expectations, individual needs, and overall a great coaching style for our daughter. Thanks!
Ashley. M
Soccer Parent
Somehow he makes summer training in the Florida heat fun. Major shout out to Coach B! 10 out of 10. I highly recommend him!
Elizabeth. B
Soccer Parent
We've tried different coaches in the past, but my son improved so much with Coach B. He comes to training with a plan, pays attention to details, and keeps the kids focused.
Soccer Parent
Training with The Difference Academy in the summer time was very much needed. I give it 5 stars and I highly recommend it.
Marc. S
Coach B is such a positive energy and role model for our daughter. We appreciate his dedication towards getting our daughter better; and we're forever grateful for it.
neymar, brazil, brazi-2474376.jpg
Laura. D
Soccer Parent
I'm so thankful for my trainings with Coach B. My first touch is constantly improving.
Kendall. T
Coach B - We can't say enough positive things about this man. It's coaches like him who will make a huge impact on young growing players. A coach who gives back to his community!  He held Sunday Funday today free of charge to any player who wanted to come. He held a 2 hour training session. Not only did he come early to set everything up, he made sure to bring a cooler full of cold drinks & snacks for the players. He provided a positive environment for these young players to develop and try new things without being criticized. Coach B - Thank you for a fun event today!
Ashley. P
Soccer Parent
I would absolutely recommend Coach B to anyone. He is awesome at his craft, and a great role model for my son.
Michelle. D
Soccer Parent